While changing then-three-month-old son Ryan’s diaper in the middle of the night, Lisa felt there had to be a better solution. Snap pajamas were too cumbersome to try and match up in the wee hours of the morning and zippered pajamas left Ryan’s body exposed to cold air from neck to toe.
So Lisa told her friend Erica about her idea and the two got started on making Zippyz a reality. Zippyz are baby jumpsuits made of organic cotton and bamboo fabric. There are three snaps at the top and a zipper from belly to foot. This way, the baby’s chest is still covered and warm during a diaper change.
“Every time I show someone a Zippyz, they say ‘Why didn’t I think of that!’” Lisa told MommyMasters in March of this year when she was named MommyMaster of the Month.
Strength, weakness, threat, opportunity
Thankfully, Little Trendyz got its “why didn’t I think of that?” baby clothing idea patented in June of 2013 after filing the patent in May of 2011. This will lend strength to the company going forward, protecting Zippyz as Little Trendyz’s intellectual property for the next 14 years.
However, the strength of Zippyz being an original, better-for-baby product may not be enough to overcome its present weakness with some consumers: product cost. Surely, all parents will want baby pajamas that are the best quality. Yet for some, buying a two-pack of baby sleepers that only cost $8 at a big-box retailer (currently Zippyz’s biggest threat) versus just one sleeper that costs three times as much ($24.99) before shipping may mean the difference between being able to afford another box of diapers and a container of formula.
Here is where Little Trendyz can seize an opportunity for its integrated marketing communications (IMC) campaign: Take to its blog more often to drive home to its target audience of parents, grandparents and baby shower guests why Zippyz are truly an essential item for baby. Perhaps notable moms like Giuliana Rancic, who have already tried and enjoyed Zippyz, could even write guest blogs.
Lisa with Giuliana Rancic (and a Zippyz) at the Biggest Baby Shower in LA. |
The “big idea” behind an IMC campaign
But blogs are just just one piece of Little Trendyz’s IMC campaign. Promoting those blogs on social media channels such as its Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest will expand the reach of Little Trendyz’s message. In turn, Little Trendyz can also use its blog and social media to promote appearances at events such as Big City Moms Biggest Baby Showers.
So you see, each individual piece of an IMC campaign all work together to support each other. This is done with consistent messaging to support an overall “big idea,” according to advertising firm Baumann Ber Rivnay. For Little Trendyz, that “big idea” is that Zippyz bring “more cuddles, less fuss,” meaning more time to enjoy quality time with your baby.